Around Town…New York City

Phew, life has been busy lately! A last minute trip to New York City last week was wonderful. The moment we landed it smelled and looked like fall. It made me wish our seasons in the Bay Area were more distinct and less subtle. We also encountered some COLD, blustery and rainy days, but it didn't prevent us from venturing out and exploring SOHO and midtown Manhattan.

Some highlights:

Shopping at Purl Soho!
Shopping at Dean and Deluca
Eating goodies from Dean and Deluca
Riding the subway with my son
Walking in the rain with my son
The American Museum of Natural History


Tasty things from Dean and Deluca.

An old grape vine in Brooklyn…the best, meatiest, sweetest grapes we ever tasted.


Ricotta pancakes at Soho Grande, must get recipe!

Perhaps the sister store to our local Paxton Gate in SOHO…

A cake boutique near the Met.


Central Park in the fall.


A magical storefront in fall.

Ahh, what a great way to bring in the holiday season. So much to do and craft before 2009 arrives. But don't ya think 2009 will rock!?
