While we like to foster creativity and expression for D and provide access to many art supplies and tools…
this is unacceptable! I try to ignore the growing mounds on his table and "gently persuade" him to clean up after he's finished, but it's no use. You see, he's never finished! As he so rationally explains to me, "I'm just taking a break, I need to leave EVERYTHING where it is so I can finish LATER."
I understand his arguement, completely. I leave projects in progress out as well, except I have a more Gerhard Richter approach…
and D is more like Calder…
which is fine, assuming you have a giant studio that is self-contained with a door. Since all of us tend to spend time in D's room, the Calderesque model won't work. Husband and I much prefer an organized environment to a chaotic one.
I know it might seem unfair or that I'm stifling creativity, but an organized room and work area is how it's going to be. I don't confuse organized with "inaccessible". In fact, we make every effort to provide D with a sense of ownership over his own room, which includes tidying up.
So, to keep the peace [and organization], I purchased a Bisley cabinet from the Container Store. I don't know why we took so long to get these for his room. We have several of these in our office, and I specify them frequently for our clients. Sometimes the solution is right in front of you!
It's all worked out. He's said to me, "Mom, I just love this new thing! I can find my stickers now! And I can take it with me to college!" [ College?]
Thanks for stopping in,
F&N [an imminent empty nester!]